О чем книга?

Чего в ней нет?

Что изменилось для меня?



We both worked in the tech industry for a long time. The work was exciting and rewarding, but the always-connected culture and back-to-back meeting schedule left little time for our priorities.

So we decided to do something about it. We took what we learned from designing apps like Gmail and YouTube, and came up with simple ways to fight distraction and take back control. We looked at the success of our design sprint process, and saw principles that anyone could apply to make better use of their time.


Как выбрать?

Критерий Вопрос
Срочность Какая наиболее срочная задача есть на сегодня?
Удовлетворение Какой Highlight принесет мне удовлетворение?
нужно сделать → хочешь сделать
Удовольствие Какой из Highlight-ов про радость и наслаждение?

⏱60–90 минут

Highlight Tactics

Choose your Highlight
2. Do Yesterday Again
5. The Might-Do List
Make time for your highlight
8. Schedule Your Highlight
9. Block Your Calendar
16. Quit When You're Done



Beat distraction to make time for your Highlight.

Don't wait for technology to give back your time.

Create Barriers to Distraction.

Laser Tactics

Be the boss of your phone
17. Try a Distraction-Free Phone
19. Nix Notifications
20. Clear Your Homescreen
22. Leave Devices Behind
Stay out of infinity pools
23. Skip the Morning Check-In
25. Ignore the News
30. Watch Out for Time Craters
31. Trade Fake Wins for Real Wins

Laser Tactics

Slow your inbox
37. Pretend Messages Are Letters
38. Be Slow to Respond
Stay in the zone
57. Be Bored



Take care of your body to recharge your brain

Energize Tactics

Optimize Caffeine
70. Wake Up Before You Caffeinate
72. Take a Caffeine Nap
74. Turbo Your Highlight
Go Off the Grid
79. Leave Your Headphones at Home
80. Take Real Breaks

Energize Tactics

Make It Personal
81. Spend Time with Your Tribe
82. Eat Without Screens
Sleep in a Cave
83. Make Your Bedroom a Bed Room
84. Fake the Sunset



Adjust and imporve your system every day

Гигиена ?
